
Website Evaluation Models: Assessment Strategies for Success

What is the Purpose of Website Evaluation Models? When the time comes to sell your website to a worthy buyer, you need to know how much to ask for to open the negotiations. But unlike physical property, the exact monetary value of something as intangible as a website can be difficult to pin down. But […]


The Passive Income Website: Should You Sell It?

Many digital entrepreneurs are crafting passive income websites. If you’re one of those folks, you already know how much of your heart and soul you pour into the site, trying to make it as excellent and profitable as it possibly can be. Once it’s up to snuff and finally earning you enough respectable money to […]


The Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Website: Understanding the Different Types of Websites

Buying a website is a big commitment in both time and money. Sites that produce revenue or which grow your brand have the potential to boost your business big time, but only if you choose the right website for your purchase. Similarly, building a website that doesn’t match with your goals can lead you to […]


Selling your website? Why Choosing the Right Brokerage Partner Makes All the Difference

Selling your business is a big decision and one that is often fraught with emotional undertones. After all, you worked on the site for years and struggled with it through its infancy all the way to its profitable stages. But these emotions can sometimes lead us astray, which is why it’s important to pick a […]


Put Your Website to Work for You: 20 Legitimate Money-Making Strategies

You’ve put together the best website you could, but now it’s just sitting in the digital ether, taking up space. Now what? It’s time to monetize it, of course. On the modern web, there are plenty of methods to make your website work for you. Don’t let it sit around. Websites that earn you money […]


GDPR: Requirements, Compliance and What it Means for Your Website

The GDPR has had a divisive lifespan, even though it’s only been passed for about a year! Despite this time, many companies are not compliant with the new regulations brought about by the GDPR. That’s because there’s still a lot of confusion concerning the bill and what it means for regular website owners. We’ll explain […]


Digital Entrepreneurship: Why Every Business Needs an Exit Strategy

Being a digital entrepreneur can be quite lucrative, especially if you have some great ideas. But starting with an excellent idea and building your company from the ground up is just half the story. The end of your involvement in your digital business is inevitable, but the way you leave is what will ultimately dictate […]


Buying Websites by the Book: Legal Requirements of Buying and Selling a Website

The buying and selling of websites are becoming more common as people develop the internet. Like a great digital city, websites trade hands just as often as physical properties. But also like the offline world, buying and selling a website comes with several legal hurdles you should be aware of before you attempt a transaction. […]


Buying a Website Begins with Due Diligence A Smart Buyer’s Checklist

Buying a new website can be a great way to improve your online presence, generate income, or direct traffic to a site that you’ve already got up and running. But no matter your reason for buying a new site, it’s important to do your due diligence and investigate potential websites before placing a purchase. If […]


Buying Selling Websites Assessing the Best Website Brokerage Sites of 2019

Every website offers an opportunity for growth and profit, but sometimes you know that it’s time to move on. Whether you’re selling your profitable site and progressing to a new opportunity or looking to purchase a high revenue site that will be worth a significant time and monetary investment on your part, it pays to […]